- spent with Dan. Last year he was at sea doing secret squirrel Coast Guard stuff, and while we celebrated Christmas during one of the few days he had off last December, it sucked pretty hardcore to be away from him on Christmas day.
- had pizza for Christmas dinner. Most people have turkey, some have ham, we had a large cheese pizza and a side of chicken wings. I was fully prepared to make a real, big-kid Christmas dinner, but Dan convinced me to wait until Sunday. In his family, it's tradition to sit at home in your p.j.'s all day on Christmas and play with the new toys Santa brought you. Then on the 26th, head to your family's house for the big dinner. So I absolutely sat in my p.j.'s all day, played with my Christmas presents and opted to make our big dinner of ham, pineapple stuffing and potatoes on the 26th.
- watched Goonies. Don't judge me. I was only 3 when that movie came out, and I didn't watch anything but Disney movies until I was about 10. By the way, mom, that shit wasn't cool. You should have rented cooler movies for me to watch.
- watched Top Gun. Again, don't judge me. And see previous bullet point for explanation. Dan is constantly amazed at the number of "classic, must-see" movies I've never seen. So I bought him these two on blu-ray for Christmas and we had a "Jamie needs to catch up on the last 20 years of cinematic excellence" marathon.
- received a piece of a Quaker Oats box as a Christmas present. Dan ordered me an album for Christmas, and when he found out it wouldn't arrive in time, he printed out the album's cover art, with a note saying when it would arrive, scotch taped it to a piece of Quaker Oats box and wrapped it in Christmas paper. Gotta say, it was the most creative gift I ever unwrapped:)
- didn't go home to Kansas to spend Christmas with my family. Typically at Christmas I get shuttled from house to house, help my Grandma wrap hoards of gifts, then go into a diabetic coma after eating sugary goodies for a week straight. And that's all tons of fun, but staying home was definitely nice and relaxing. At least it was relaxing between the hourly work-related fire drills. And Dad, the invitation still stands for next year!