Hay peepholes. How youz? I fine. I poop beter now cuz momz makes us fud evry nite and it tayst likes kandy and I don’t has to eets dry stuff no mores. Dah only problems iz she takes way too long maken it and I done like waitin. So I has to keep tellin her “Hurriez up! I iz waitin!” Den she always put Sierra fud down first and makin me wait sum more. Das krap. So to gets back at her, sumtimes I liks her face in dah middles of dah nite and wakes her up. Hehehe, she done like it.
Saturday we wents to dad’s work. Dey gots lots uh weird birds waddling arownd and I ran all overs makin dose birds runaway even tho moms was hooked to me. She ran too.
Yesterdays hoomans waz gone all day longs. And we waz so bored. We finally goes to doggie park after fud. But evry time I runs up to a dog to says hi, der hoomans freek out and takes ‘em home. Whatevers, I just tryin to say hi and chew on ‘em to see whats dey tayste like.
Today dad stayed wit us all dayz. We went to doggie parks 2 timez. At da sekon park, der waz a hooman pointen at sum birds on dah oder side of dah fence and so I looks and saw dem. Dey waz just like dah onez at dads work so I know I kan chase dem and makem runs evrwhers. So I jumps over dah fence and starts chasin em, but den dad jumps over dah fence and starts chasin too. I done kno he like chasin too, and he also likes yellin loud. We runz all overs and all dah way downs to dah water. But den after runnin fur a wilz, he takes me back to dah park.
Den after dat we come home and hoomans talkin bout sumthin called groomen toomarowz. I done kno what it iz, but dads taken us wen he get home. I bet it iz gonna be fun wit lots uh birds and skwerls to run afters. I tell you laterz what happens at deh groomen.
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